Third graders in Virginia now will learn about the ancient civilizations. Much of our social studies time will focus on a look at how these people lived and the contributions they made. We started with Ancient China and my students are loving the learning connected to this unit. Of course we are starting with books....lots and lots of books! I checked out a ton of both fiction and nonfiction.

Here is our nonfiction browsing wall:

And our classroom library:

We began our unit by recording our prior knowledge and then questions we had about this ancient civilization.

Students are reading and researching during their "Read to Self" or "Read with a Partner" reading rounds during my small group time.
We are dividing our learning log into sections for each of the Ancient Civilizations that we will cover.

Students cut and glue note sheets that correspond with a teaching slide show I use.

Our learning gets documented along with maps we make and vocabulary word cards that students can use to study with.

We will work on some craft making this week and I'll be back to post how that fits into my day.
In the meantime, those interested in checking out the materials I use to teach this unit can head here:

Ancient China Bundle
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