OH, Calvin! Actually, he may have a point. According to the World Forum Economic Report: New Vision for Education, employers are suggesting that there may be a gap between what students are learning and what they need to learn in order to make it in today's workforce. Some are questioning if our schools today are doing enough to equip our young people with the skills needed to thrive and contribute in the 21st century workplace.
The three R's may no longer cut it. Along with a good reading, writing, and arithmetic foundation, our young people may need more experience with the three C's: collaboration, communication and creativity. We are living in a rapidly changing world. Employers are looking to hire people who are curious, flexible thinkers and good problem solvers.
Third graders are naturally curious, talkative and creative sorts. They are never more engaged than when they are working on some sort of problem solving project with one another.
I'm trying to hold myself accountable for giving them weekly, if not daily, opportunities to explore their creativity as they collaborate and communicate with others through problem solving situations, projects or activities.

I've created a set of posters that highlight these four skills. They serve as a reminder of the importance of developing these traits. We refer to them all the time in so many different subject areas.

I've added this set to my TPT store if anyone else is interested in using it.

Are you working on ways to incorporate the 21st Century Learning Skills in your classroom?
I would love to hear how it is going for you!
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