This quote seemed fitting for the upcoming week. For one, my third graders are currently learning about the contributions of the Ancient Greeks. It's crazy to think that over 2,000 years ago Socrates was thinking and sharing these words. I wonder what the Ancient Greeks filled their "too busy" days with. It is clear from my overscheduled, overbooked, and often overwhelming life that I can still learn a lesson from this ancient philosopher.
Many months ago I went on an outdoor retreat and as I enjoyed the serenity of being in the woods I was struck with the realization that nature is never in a hurry. Rather, there is a calm, peaceful and even divine rhythm to it all. After that time I began making a more deliberate effort to protect my peace and to practice walking gently through my days. I believe it is what God intends for me. Yet, with the demands of school and now the holidays, I again run the risk of living on autopilot and rushing right past all of life's small wonders. So this December I will guard my peace with all I have and will refuse to overload my holiday schedule.
I will beware the barrenness of a busy life.
Thank you for this reminder, Socrates.