Hello All! Are you stuffed with stuffing, turkey, potatoes and pie? It was leftovers for the third day in a row around here! It was a great Thanksgiving and I certainly have SO much to be thankful for...like not having to cook for the last few days. Another thing is this super cute holiday shirt that I was gifted with. I simply love its message... keeping it simple is my mantra. Wouldn't it be heavenly to have a calm and peaceful December? I am determined to keep my peace this holiday by focusing on what the season is about and not overcomplicating things.

There are so many simple pleasures to look forward to. I'm excited about the month ahead and being able to share fun activities with my third graders.
I absolutely love finding and sharing the simple gift of a wonderful holiday book with my students.
We count down the final days before our holiday break by unwrapping a book a day.

Here is one of my very favorite ones:

We are getting ready to work on summarizing story elements. This one will be perfect.
Can you figure out the problem after reading page one?

This one is such a HOOT! It will delight your students and is a great springboard for so many other activities. Bonny Becker is a master at word choice and includes a great number of juicy words that can help to grow and develop your students' vocabularies in a big way.
It provides great opportunities for your children to practice using their good reader skills and strategies such as predicting and inferring.

I've created a reading response booklet to go along with this one.

To keep the fun going, I found a cute crocodile craft to make with my students.
We will read the directions first and try answering some of those tricky SOL sequencing questions first.

My kids will get practice developing their fluency and expression with this poem as they ponder the problem of how to brush an crocodile's teeth.
Here are some other crocodile problems to ponder during our math block.

I've bundled all these activities and more in a file and added it to my TPT store.
You can find it here:

Do you need the book?
It is on sale for only $7.99!
Click the link below!

The Christmas Crocodile (Nancy Pearl's Book Crush Rediscoveries)
Love the shirt? That's on sale too! I've added that link below as well.

Love the shirt? That's on sale too! I've added that link below as well.

What are some of your favorite holiday books to share with your children?
Please share by email: youngdor8@gmail.com
or comment below!