So here's a word work station that can help your students practice making/spelling words. You can design it to meet the needs of students in your classroom. I anticipate many of my students needing practice in the within word stage so I plan on using these patterns for this station but you could certainly create this with simple letter name patterns too.
This is what you need: Sharpies, labels and some small plastic cups.....super simple!!

The plastic cups need to be of the see through variety. I found these small 3 oz. orange see through cups at Target.

Next I wrote consonant beginnings, digraphs or blends on the labels, cut and stuck them on some cups.

Then I programmed another set of cups with word parts that we will focus on.

When students go to this station, they will take a beginning and add it to a word part to create a word. The beginning letter or letters cup goes right over top of the word part to create the full word.

I would have students record words that they made on a sheet of paper so I can check their thinking.

This cup game works with prefixes and base words too! How about addition/subtraction facts and sums/differences? Lots of possibilities with just a stack of cups and some labels!