I've been playing around with ways to organize the learning materials connected to our Content Area Studies. I had my kids create a lapbook of sorts for our Civics and Government Unit. It was made by taking two manilla folders and stapling the back cover of the first one over top of the front cover of the second one. This makes four sections for gluing learning materials. Here is the first section: The Cover.

The middle section has the notes stapled to the top and blank paper underneath the notes to write other important facts. The other section includes the Branches of government tree they made.

This leaves a section to glue an envelope to . Inside the envelope we put vocabulary cards. These are words/illustrations on one card and defintions on the other. They can use these cards as matching cards or to play concentration or memory match.

Stapling one part of the folder on top of the other creates a inside pocket. In here we put other sorting cards. We had a set of cards for National/State/Local government. I don't have a picture of the back but we glued two songs that we sang about our government.

I liked this lapbook approach because it was easy to send home for studying prior to their test.
Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers store for the printables for this lapbook.
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