It's my least favorite time of year...It's testing time!
I know many Virginia teachers and students who are stressed out as they wait to take tests and get scores back. I'm hoping everyone gets the result they worked so hard for!
In an effort to break up the tetsing preparation and multiple choice response practice, I am making sure kids get some hands on review too.
We are currently working on geometry and the math vocabulary is killer but crucial. Students are getting these words all mixed up in their little 9 year old brains. To help them, we are making vocabulary math matching cards and also these posters. I believe in lots of visuals so kids created these congruent shapes and symmetrical figures by cutting out shapes from folded paper.
Look at how elaborate some of these symmetrical shapes were. I ended up having to confiscate scissors because kids wanted to keep making these figures after this lesson was over. Found lots of little symmetrical shape cut outs inside of desks afterwards..so busted!
We also used the geoboards a lot during this ongoing practice. Kids absolutely loved using them. Here we were making congruent shapes.
This little girl made a rectangle and proved it has a square or right angle.
Besides using the real geoboards...we found this great geoboard ap on our Ipads.
SO cool!!
The kids were so into using the geoboards for this practice so I created a two page document called "Design and Draw". Here I gave the students a geometry word and they had to design it on the geoboard and then draw it on their recording sheet.
This is a good hands on activity to use during guided math stations. I like it because it is hands on yet also makes students accountable since they have to turn in the proof of their correct thinking.
I have posted it as a free item on Teachers Pay Teachers.
You can find it here:
I'd love to hear how you are handling testing pressure and preparation.
Common core friends...there is so much talk about your testing. What are you thinking?
I would love to hear!
email me.... youngdor8@gmail.com