We've made it to Thanksgiving! I can't even put into words how much I appreciate this time to unwind and maybe catch up a bit.
We have been busy, busy, busy. I'm going to try to get some pictures and thoughts down on this blog while I have the chance.
This Thanksgiving I am certainly grateful for my students, my children. As busy and chaotic as our days are, when we get right to the heart of what our work is all about, it is about them. It's not about the scores, the curriculum, the tests. These kids are not just a number and name on a data report. As young as they are, each child came into my classroom with a story. For some, that story is already filled with obstacles and hardships. Some deal with such tough stuff that it makes me ache for them. As their teacher, I get to play a major role in their lives. I am thankful for the opportunity. I pray that I can live up to the responsibility.
We began the year with students sharing about themselves through a ME Museum project.
They truly are incredible, amazing and marvelous.

I love sharing writing time with them. They have taken off and we are writing up a storm.
Here is our Writing We Can Roar About board where we post some of their pieces.
Some of them write with such personality and humor. Writing allows them to share bits and pieces of themselves with me. I love reading what they come up with.

We wrote about a magic cape here. Kids love reading each other's stories.
One topic led to so many different ideas.

This was my kind of magic cape...one that allows you to eat 12 cakes in one minute every day!
Besides our writer's workshop time, my students write each week as part of homework.
I pick two students' papers to place in our "SMILE" and "COOL" displays which are part of our reading area.

Here is a little one who has the right idea about Thanksgiving. She is writing about a special person who helped her through a tough time. I keep telling my kids that the words they put down on paper have the power to make people feel different things. These words made me tear up.

I'm going to end this blog post with Kid President whose words always make me smile and laugh. Happy Thanksgiving!
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