Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quick and Simple Easter Bunny Treat Cups

Easter is right around the corner!  
I love celebrating with my kids, but try to avoid the stress and mess of big complicated projects. 
These little bunny cups are a super simple alternative to making Easter baskets. 

I have been making these for years. 
Kids have the best time creating them. 
They always turn out so cute...they just make me smile!

All you need is some white cardstock, Easter colored SOLO cups, and Easter grass. 
 Don't forget some plastic Easter eggs or treats to fill them with.

Print out the bunny template using white cardstock. Plain paper just doesn't hold up well enough for this project.  
Kids cut the bunny shape out and then go to town decorating them.  
You will be surprised at how they manage to make their bunny look unique and special. 

I zip around and staple the bunny to their cup so that it looks as though the bunny is hugging the cup. 
Then fill with Easter grass and treats. 
So sweet!

I've added this to my store as a free item. 
Click the link below for the bunny template:
Be sure to follow my store to take advantage of other free files I'll be sharing!

Easter Bunny Treat Cups Freebie

Enjoy this Easter season with your students!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Let's Fly a Kite: Spring Summary Writing

It's Spring!  Hallelujah!
The praise team at my church allowed the little ones to come up and play "drums" for this song.
How cute!  God's beauty is certainly on display here in Virginia already this year. 
The trees are budding and the flowers are waking up.  
I think teachers and children alike are so ready to feel the spring breezes and feel the warm sun again! 
I love looking for ways to celebrate the changing season with my students.  We had great fun last week reading a spring story and making these spring summary kites.  

We began by reading the tale, The Wind and the Sun.

We used our 5 Finger Summarizing Hand to help us remember the elements of a fictional story.

Then we began recording our thinking about the story onto the kite template.

We glued the pieces on a colorful piece of construction paper and cut them out.
Students added illustrations of each part to retell the story using their "mind movies". 

We all read the same story for this summarizing lesson but it would also be fun for kids to all read different stories and summarize them using this kite idea. 

We displayed our kites for others to see and read. 

We are high flying summarizers!

I've added this set to my TPT store.
It includes the story, kite template and a bonus....a kite poem and language skills review.
Perfect for a reading station.

Kites and Wind: Writing A Spring Summary

Let's Fly a Kite: Spring Summary Writing

What spring related reading and writing are you doing?
Please share!