This leaves a section to glue an envelope to . Inside the envelope we put vocabulary cards. These are words/illustrations on one card and defintions on the other. They can use these cards as matching cards or to play concentration or memory match.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Social Studies Lapbooking in Third Grade
This leaves a section to glue an envelope to . Inside the envelope we put vocabulary cards. These are words/illustrations on one card and defintions on the other. They can use these cards as matching cards or to play concentration or memory match.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Vocabulary Instruction and Review Game

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Writing In Third Grade
We have set up our writing notebooks and writing offices and students are loving their Quiet 10. To my surprise, no one yet has said they can't think of anything to write about. I begin our writing block with a writing mini lesson and right now we're working on learning how to write a well formed paragraph. I'll share more on that soon!
I've had questions about how I teach writing skills and strategies. My students keep a writer's notebook. I am all about keeping things simple and focusing time and attention on real writing so I want to keep my minilessons short, sweet and to the point. I use what we refer to as "slice and stick" note sheets. My students do just that...they slice (cut) the sheet in half and stick (glue) it into their journals. We review the skill using the left side of the paper and then apply the skill using the right side. This is what I use during those more formal teaching lessons. I like that the notes remain in their journals for the year. That way I can refer back to it as we write or during writing conferences. It is also good to send home occasionally for parents to see.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sunday's Words for the Week
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Computer Graphing with Pixie
Sure, he looks cute and innocent but looks can be deceiving! Those of you who have had the privilege of meeting Sonny know what I'm talking about! At the moment he is hiding under the table but I can hear him gnawing on the chair leg. Any Jack Russell owners who have advice on taming the "Taz" please email me! I see Sonny as my lesson in patience and I'm not getting a very good grade right now!
Speaking of emails, I actually read a bunch today and will respond with one last graphing project. My third graders worked on a final project where they came up with a survey question of their own to ask their friends. They picked the question, the answer categories and then polled at least 15 members of our class. They recorded the survey results on a tally chart. Next we used the computer program called "Pixie" to create the bar graphs. Pixie reminds me a lot of Kidspiration. We had the template ready to go in the activities file in the program. It amazes me how techno savy this generation is. They can trouble shoot computers better than I can and generated these graphs with very little help from me.
The final part of the process was analzying the data on the graph and writing our conclusions. I want my third graders to realize that people don't just make a graph for the fun of it but rather that they use it to track information. So in my mind the analysis is an important part. It took some modeling and math talk to get away from the very basic conclusion of ____ has the most and _____ has the least. We've moved a step further and some are beginning to think more deeply than before. They drew their picture and wrote their math thinking in the thought bubble. So if you have Pixie or Kidspiration, give it a try!
Third Grade Graphing: Line Plots
Be forewarned: This activity also ended up being a reteach of using self control and level 2 voices! It was great fun though and kids did end up understanding this type of graph having been involved in making one themselves!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday's Words for the Week

Saturday, September 10, 2011
Beginning of Year: Shoe Poem and Graphing Idea
After enjoying the poem, we then connected it to our study of data collection and creating pictographs. I wish I had taken pictures of the kids doing this, but didn't so here is the process I used. I had everyone sit in a huge circle and take off one shoe and set it in the middle so all could see the collection. Then I asked kids to try to find ways we could sort/classify the shoes. Many suggestions emerged: by color, by type, etc. etc. etc. There was no lack of ideas. Then we settled on the categories of: slip ons / laces/ buckles/ I wrote those on index cards and then we made the "object" graph with the actual shoes on the floor. We analyzed our findings and made observations like: "Most people wore shoes with laces today." We practiced counting them by twos. I gave the students the graphing paper below and they transferred that information to a tally chart and then to a pictograph. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!
Graphing Shoe Type
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Me Museum Project
Well we made it through our first full week of school! We spent quite a bit of time learning the routines and expectations. I believe in taking time to train them in the beginning, it so pays off in the end. We ended the week with our ME MUSEUM presentations. This is a super simple project but kids love doing it and showing it off. I like it because it is quick yet effective. I begin by showing them my ME MUSEUM on Monday. I show them items I would put in a museum display about me: a map: because I like to travel, my running shoes: because I love to run, a picture of my family. I include index cards that explain what each item tells about me. Writing explanations is one of our first writing objectives so this gives me a chance to see what they already know about this type of writing. Then they are assigned finding objects and writing one card each day for homework. They create a sign to use as well. Then on Friday they brought it all in and we took turns touring museums and explaining our museums. We found out so much about each other and kids made connections with others who have similar hobbies and interests.

Check out more ideas about what I like to do on the first week of school.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Off Topic

Heck, yeah!
Will be getting back to school posting soon, will also answer the emails. Sorry for the delay!