With St. Pat's Day one week away, I thought I'd share the March Reading Response sheet. The kids are getting so much better at writing these. They respond by telling the title, main characters, problem, events and sometimes the solution. Then they give their opinion or make a connection. We are working on writing with our audience in mind. For this one it is their peers. We try to hit the voice target on this one. I can really hear some speak through their writing on these.

After writing their review, they created a little leprechaun.
They are all using the same pattern for the beard, hat and face yet they are all unique! I love how they make them their own:
Here is our "Books Are As Good As Gold" display. Kids like reading these. They love doing oral "commercials" to advertise the books they are reading. These are similar, just written down.
After writing their review, they created a little leprechaun.
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