There were some sad moments too. I went to yet another memorial service which was just heart wrenching. can be one of the most important life lessons for the living. Is there anything that brings more clarity to what is most important in this life? There is a line in a song that goes, "Break my heart so it will move my hands and feet." Perhaps sometimes we need our hearts to be broken in order to get ourselves moving in the right direction. I vowed that I would live for the moment this year as my New Year's resolution. This past week's memorial service was yet another reminder of the importance of living in the now and appreciating every minute.
So I must admit that a small part of me is bummed about having to go back to school tomorrow, but then I think at least I have a tomorrow. I won't wish it away, I won't waste it. I promise to find something beautiful to enjoy, some small pleasure to savor for those who can't. If I can find someone to love, something to share, and a smile and kind words to give then I will be assured a day worth living.
Have you read this one? Max Lucado has written many inspiring books. I found this one at the library this week. It is really good!

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