Yes! Students and teachers have been working hard and I think we all are ready for a break.
I know we are all focused on shopping for those last minute gifts for family and friends but how about your classroom? Looking to gift yourself with something new to use when we get back?
I wanted to share a teacher supply site that I used recently and loved. Check out MPM School Supplies for ALL your school supplies. They have a large inventory of all kinds of materials a teacher would need. Their search options allow you to navigate the site and locate items you need quickly and easily. Plus their delivery is incredibly fast!
I was even more impressed with this company after reading this on their page:
As you purchase your teacher and classroom supplies from our expansive online teacher store, you are putting smiles on the faces of children around the world. How? MPM School Supplies is a proud sponsor of several children’s charities! Our family owns several businesses, all with the same purpose: To Experience the Joy of Touching Lives™. In keeping with our overall mission, our goal is to provide you with the best online shopping experience possible and, in doing so, improve the lives of children around the world.
I love when a company has more on their minds than just making money!

Also on clearance right now is this book of Language Arts Skill Games. I have this and my kids love using it. I like it because the games are so easy to put together. The boards are colorful and bright and ready made. All you have to do is cut and bag. The play is the same on all the board games, the pieces just change depending on the skill you are focusing on. This is on sale for $5.71!! Good price for a bunch of new games for a literacy station!