Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday's Words For the Week

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Word Closets
We've only been in school for two days but we have already begun collecting words. I thought today I'd share an idea that goes well with the EXPAND VOCABULARY section of the CAFE board.
We have a "Word Closet" in my third grade classroom. This is where we hang our collections of word posters. I take a full piece of chart paper and cut it in half and fold it. Then we hang them on hangers. During read aloud, shared reading or guided reading we listen out for what we call "Pizzazzy Words". These are words that we can use to replace tired words when we write. We categorize them and write them on posters.
Here is a picture of my word closet from last year. I will not reuse these but will start fresh ones with this new class. I want these kids to feel ownership..I believe they will use the words more if they are the ones who found them.
Here is the poster unfolded and displayed during Writer's Workshop time. They were writing small moment stories describing a happy time so the "Positive Feeling Words" poster came out of the closet. I love having them on hangers, so easy to pull out different ones when needed.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Earthquake,Tornado and Hurricane, OH MY!
My highschool son was home alone when it happened. Teachers ran from the building not entirely sure of what to do. As soon as I got outside my phone rang. It was my highschooler saying, "Mom, I think you need to come home, something's wrong with our washing machine!" God, love him! We just don't get quakes here in VA!
Schools stayed closed on Wednesday so they could check for damage. We've already used our first snowday and it's August!! Yesterday we had late afternoon storms and tornadoes. A teacher had a tree fall on her house and boats thrown about! Now we are awaiting the hurricane spinning up the coast! So crazy...what a week!
In the midst of all the weather, we did open on Thursday and I've had two days with my new third graders. I read aloud the first chapter of : Stuart Goes To School and we followed up the reading with this pictograph of our First Day Feelings!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sunday's Words For the Week
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Back to School Book Idea

This humorous fantasy perfectly captures the child's eye view of elementary school life.
Stuart is excellent at worrying and finds plenty to agonize over as he starts third grade. You will laugh out loud with your kids as you read about Stuart worrying over wearing his father's cowboy shirt and green plaid pants or getting stuck in the boy's room. But Stuart has a magic cape that helps him deal with all his troubles! Your kids will groan when you have to stop reading this one!
After reading the first chapter on the first day I like to talk about our own First Day Feelings. We create a word map with the words they use. This is a great opportunity to expand vocabulary as you introduce them to words like: unsure, nervous, apprehensive, etc. They then draw a picture of just their feeling face on an index card. We then graph our first day feelings on a big poster as our first pictograph of the year. So it ends up being a nice reading to math connection.
Check your school library because we had this one in ours. There are also two other Stuart books in the collection and my kids all want to read the other ones after I share the first!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday's Words For the Week
Here are the words for the week for this Sunday:

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Back to School Poem and Activity
This Desk poem will be their first. I introduce it with a strategy that I call: "Guess the Covered Word". I simply type the poem on the Smart Board and cover up some key words with the fancy pen marks. Then the kids attempt to guess the covered word by using context clues, structural analysis or rhyming patterns. They write what they think the word is on a dry erase paddle and then show it to me. Once someone in the group has guessed it, we reveal the word on the SB. The kids LOVE this activity!
Afterwards, I give them their copy and they glue it in their journal and draw meaningful illustrations beside the poem to show their visualizations. Finally, the next day or so they will revisit this poem at the Poetry Literacy Station where they will read it three ways and do the poetry follow up sheet.
I use this poem to introduce desk set up then train my kids on how to keep their desks organized on that first day of school. I even make a Desk Map for my kids to follow!
Desk Poem
Here is the Follow Up Activity my students do at the Poetry Literacy Station:
Here is an idea for a graphing activity to do after reading the What I Found In My Desk poem:
Scan 0001
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Whole Group Reading Area
Kids never cease to surprise me and here is an example: One day, I was getting ready to call students over and saw that they were a bit squirmy, so off the top of my head I made up this line:" OK, I'm looking for students who are quiet and calm because they are the ones getting the front row seats for my read aloud today. " Well you would have thought that I was offering a pound of candy! Mouths shut and heads plopped down on desktops (Don't you love how kids think they are being good when they lay their heads on desks??) All looking in my direction eagerly waiting to hear their name for the front row seats! All I can say is it is the power of a good story! I was so glad to see evidence that they love read aloud time as much as I do!
This Link Works!
Sorry about the dead link on the previous page. This one should work!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
First Week Lesson: Classmate Connections
After reading the book, I tell them I'm going to teach them a "juicy" word that describes the character's classmates and the students in our class too. I then present the word: Diverse and then present the noun: Diversity.
I use Marzano's procedure for introducing new vocabulary and then this word is posted on our board. ( I'll post more on this procedure in upcoming days) The word "Diversity" is part of the social studies vocabulary we teach in third grade and it seems appropriate to introduce it with something the students can understand.
I tell students they will participate in an activity to compare/contrast themselves with another friend in the class. The students then go back to their seats and work on labeling and illustrating the "Classmate Connection" page below. After they are finished, or perhaps later in the day, I will pair them with another student. This is where the candy comes in. I will have a bag on different kinds of candy and students will pick on from the bag without looking. I have prepared the bag so it has two of each kind of candy. For instance, two tootsie rolls, two starbursts, etc. They will find the student who has the matching candy. They will find a quiet spot on the floor to work and will bring their Classmate Connection sheets with them. They cut out all their pictures then will share their responses and check if it is something they have in common or something that makes them different. They will then glue it in the appropriate place on the venn diagram. By third grade, most students have done venn diagrams before, but I always model the procedure for them before they meet and greet their partner. After everyone has a completed Venn Diagram, we lay them out on our desks and take a walking tour of our work. This way everyone can see the responses of the entire class.
Here are pictures that may help illustate the process.
Here is an example of a finished product:
Another PERFECT back to school book to read during the first days of school is this one:

You MUST seek this book out to read to your third graders. It is the perfect springboard for discussions about how reading helps us to grow and learn and so much more. There are so many lessons taught through this book. Using teamwork, Calvin's friends helped him...they didn't leave him behind. I will talk with my students about how our class is like that team of birds....we will help each other learn this year.Then we will do a STEM lesson! Use this book to also spark talking points on other things like: how different people have different interests and talents and how making fun of people is unfair and can really hurt. I'm so excited to have found another book to add to my first week of school collection!
I created some activities to go along with this one. I'm going to have them work through their first reading response using this Calvin inspired response booklet:

It all works out fine in the end for Stuart and he ends up using his talents for good and makes new friends.
I like this book because it is downright silly and there is nothing better than a teacher and her students enjoying a book and laughing together. It is a perfect read for this age group since it is a good introduction to a chapter book yet still has pictures on many pages.
I love how it lends itself to lots of connections with different content areas.
I use it as a springboard for math, science, writing and vocabulary activities that quickly fill the first week of school.

Check out my youtube channel and consider joining our community!
I'm posting more back to school book ideas here:
Youtube: Beginning of the Year Book Activities
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Words for the Week

Friday, August 5, 2011

One change I'm considering is going to a three ring binder for my writing notebook. I like being able to collect their drafts to send to the publisher or to take home so loose leaf paper would really be more convenient. Those composition books were a pain to drag home when I wanted to check on their writing progress.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Reading Volume

I want my students to always have books at the ready! I want them to get LOST in their book and so I tackled organizing my book area today. First I tried out the great tip someone sent me from PINTEREST. A teacher (SO SORRY DON'T KNOW WHO IT WAS!!) came up with the brilliant idea of using a soft book cover as a pocket for the back of a chair. Could it really work?? You betcha! So after dealing with book boxes, book bags, etc. in the past, I'm going to set up my students with a book chair pocket. This is a Jumbo sized book cover and it really does hold multiple books well and large ones too!